
Rather Outdoors

Test description


Rather Outdoors

Growing a legacy brand’s identity and transforming a fishing legend into a diversified holding company

While at Outcast I partnered with Rather Outdoors to build their identity from the ground up—through brand name, voice & tone, and visual identity, cultivating a brand by-and-for outdoor enthusiasts that want to see great outdoor companies succeed. With a storied history and a loyal consumer audience, Lew’s Fishing was not looking to stray from a tried and true formula. But faced with expansion into a diversified landscape they needed to brand their holding company as a future forward brand. While eyeing outdoor retail brands they wanted their own brand to allow them to staff outdoor enthusiasts that had experience in the space.


We set out to create a brand that would excite outdoor enthusiasts who wanted to combine their personal passions with their professional career

As a holding company primarily focused on acquiring and streamlining existing outdoor brands, Rather Outdoors was looking to attract seasoned outdoors enthusiasts who spent their free time pursuing a past-time they were knowledgeable in—and passionate about.


Iconography and textured backdrops set the stage to develop the visual language—accessible, recognizable, and universal

The brand book’s purpose was two-fold—acting as a guide for applying the brand assets as well as a primer for the company philosophy


Art Direction
Graphic Design
Team Management