Sungevity and Lowe’s
Where innovation and renovation meet
Home improvement is simple. You make discrete choices to upgrade your living space—choose small projects you can accomplish on your own. Sungevity set out to develop a special relationship with Lowe’s, where they could occupy space in-store, selling a money-making upgrade that appeals equally to the environmentalist and the capitalist in everyone—home solar panels.
The direct-to-consumer experience at Lowe’s required development of marketing materials to create customer familiarity and understanding of the home solar product”
Putting a friendly face on home solar as well as a sense of know-how elevated Sungevity’s brick and mortar presence and began building rapport with consumers before they ever set foot in a Lowe’s outlet.
Showing every point of contact for customers between Lowe’s and Sungevity representatives allowed for flexibility when developing marketing materials
Digital kiosks allowed customers to create a quick quote without ever having to speak to a Sungevity representative, while simultaneously adding them as a prospect for future outreach.
Art direction Graphic design
Pre-production Photoshoot direction
Post-production Image editing